Friday, 5 October 2012

Reasons Why I am an Idiot & Meatloaf

Reason number one, and the biggest one: I ate a cheddar bagel yesterday morning.

I was running late because of my dental appointment and I had yet to eat anything for breakfast. Tim Horton's was calling my name. I really miss sinking my teeth into a warm, buttery sesame seed bagel sometimes. (I haven't tried making my own bagels yet but I probably should soon.) I couldn't resist and didn't want to.

I have been toying with the idea of testing my reaction for several weeks now. It's been weeks of talking myself out of KFC, ordering pizza, or stopping for a toasted sub. I know that it's stupid to do but being gluten-sensitive or intolerant and not a celiac means that gluten interacts with my system differently. I don't get an autoimmune reaction.

Gluten just doesn't agree with me- it acts like an allergen. I really want to believe that someday, I can get enough of the allergen out of my system that I can introduce it again with limited and infrequent meals. That I could eat at other people's homes again without being a kill-joy. I can also have food combination reactions that are not standard to every gluten-sensitive person out there which helps fuel my desperate belief. I can usually tolerate gluten better when it is eaten with protein. Sugary, gluten-filled food give me an instant headache reaction. Too much coffee in a day can mess with me too.

My food intolerances change based on where I am in my cycle too. Dairy is a great example of this. I am lactose intolerant- milk gives me stomach aches and bloating. BUT in the week before my period even the lactose-free stuff has the power to give me migraines, nausea, and the runs. There is also a short period when I can consume regular milk products with little reaction.

Back to my bagel. Yesterday I felt great. It's easy to convince yourself that gluten is fine when you suffer with delayed reactions. By evening, I did notice that I was warmer than usual and my jeans were too tight. Not just the waist either. The thighs and hips were also tight. Everything about me was swollen and bloated. Still fine, nothing to get alarmed about. I have difficulty drinking enough water in a day it could be water retention.

Today, I am back on the gluten free bandwagon 100%! I have a huge headache and brain fog. My back hurt when I woke up this morning. My face is burning and red. I am bloated to the point of pain. I am hungry and nauseated at the same time. Eyes are burning and I am running a slight fever. I alternate between the chills and being overly warm. Mostly, though, it's the brain fog that bothers me. I can't focus and the world looks funny or off. Like through a tunnel or as if you are out of body.

So, yes. Gluten is still my enemy.

Marinara Meatloaf
1 lb ground beef
1 lb ground turkey
1/4 cup GF bread crumbs
2 eggs
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
  • Preheat your oven to 350F.
  • Mix all the ingredients together. Place in a greased loaf pan.
1/2 cup pasta sauce
3 slices Swiss cheese
  • Top your loaf with pasta sauce. Bake for 45 minutes.
  • Remove and top with sliced Swiss cheese. Bake for another 15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and lightly browned.
  • Let sit on your stove or counter to rest for about 10 minutes before slicing. Remove from pan, or drain fat and slice in pan.
Sorry, this was soooooo good that it didn't last long enough for pictures.
This, plus mashed potatoes, salad, and good company, was dinner last night.
And both my cheeses were lactose free types. Always are.
I am the lazy cook, who double toasted a piece of bread and crushed it to get bread crumbs. If I had had some Glutino sheet crackers- that would have been my crumb of choice. I doubled the seasoning because I like the meatball flavour- if you find it's too much reduce next time. I am going to increase the pasta sauce next time I make this one.

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